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At FLI Group BV we deeply care about our team members and our communities in and around our hotels. We want to do all we can to provide guests and team members a safe, welcoming and clean working environment.


This page presents what we do to keep our guests, team members, and our community safe. Besides this, each hotel operating department has its own customised set of detailed cleanliness and safety procedures, for which we have foreseen manuals and adequate training programs.


We will adhere to all government measures and follow official authorities and the standards of the international hotel chains and will continue to make changes as necessary or appropriate to our protocols and procedures.


Please note that any guidance provided by the Government/Public Health official authorities supersedes any best practice information contained on this page.


De Boulevard


Holiday Inn Hasselt

Kattegatstraat 1

3500 Hasselt

+32 (0)11 24 22 00


Weekdagen open van 09u00 tot 23u00.

Zaterdag open van 10u00 tot 23u00.

Zondag open van 10u00 tot 18u00.


Keuken open van 11u30 tot 14u30 en

van 17u30 tot 21u30.

Beperkte kaart van 14u30 tot 17u30.

Vrijdag en zaterdag keuken doorlopend open van 11u30 tot 21u30.

Op zondag keuken doorlopend geopend van 11u30 tot 17u30.

Parkeren dichtbij De Boulevard:

° Q-park Molenpoort - Kattegatstraat 4 - 3500 Hasselt

° Parking Blauwe Boulevard - Gelatineboulevard - 3500 Hasselt​​


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De Boulevard is owned by Carestotel BV and operated by Step Partners Europe GmbH.

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